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"You can teach an old dog a new trick with positive reinforcement!"

Fun With Fido - Trust Obey Pawsitive Dog Training 2021 - Fun_with_Fido2Fun With Fido

Pre-Agility – Shaping – Tricks – Games

This class is ideal if you want to move on to agility. The class teaches shaping and introductions to non-regulation agility equipment. There will also be some tricks and games mixed in to each class. Graduation is a mini agility course that the dogs can have fun with.

Confidence Building and Strengthening Your Bond

This class is also helpful for somewhat skittish dogs. It builds their confidence and owners learn the proper way to desensitize their dogs to the equipment and other things the dog may encounter in life as well.

Class Requirements:

  • Must have taken a positive, force free basic obedience, like our Firm Foundations, in order to enroll this class.
  • Dogs must not be reactive or aggressive toward other dogs as the leashes may be dropped on occasion and we want this to be a fun, light atmosphere.
  • This class is for all ages. There is no need for extra work on basic skills before joining the class as we are learning all brand new things.